Post 7: Changes to my study programme

     It is always good to have feedback, maybe a little bit is enough. Especially in my career, the planning is too young and new and this makes a lot of mistakes while the student gets into the duration of the career. 

     While we were studying, the department built a new green area near our classroom (I invented a nickname for it, it is called "La Jaimo" in honor of the professor who managed it. hahaha). I understand that they can't do more for the infrastructure because it's an old tower in the heart of Santiago. That's fine with me. 

    I suggest changing the focus of science from mandatory to optional. We need more stability in the department because they have a lot of turnover in positions. I recommend more practice and less theory because when we will work in our areas we will know a lot but we will not be able to put it into practice and this makes us insecure as a professional person. 

They should reevaluate the structure of the curriculum. We have two phantom type subjects and we sign up on the platform and they make us all pass. This is horrible.

Teaching methods are fine. Just like in school, no more complex than that. As for the musical form, I think they do a great job because in my career there are few people who previously know music theory and they start at the beginning of music. This helps us a lot on a cultural level and maybe that will help us to empathize with other careers such as Interpretation, Dance or Percussion.


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